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Steven Thomson

Steven is a reader in agricultural economics and policy at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) where he has worked for over 30 years providing insights on agriculture, land use and the rural economy. He is embedded in the ongoing agricultural and land use policy reform process, providing analytical support and conceptual insights on opportunities to evolve agricultural support away from the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy to something more tailored for Scotland.


Steven is a reader in agricultural economics and policy at Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) where he has worked for over 30 years providing insights on agriculture, land use and the rural economy. He is embedded in the ongoing agricultural and land use policy reform process, providing analytical support and conceptual insights on opportunities to evolve agricultural support away from the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy to something more tailored for Scotland.

His research contributes to the evidence base on the potential opportunities, challenges and consequences (e.g. food production, rural economy, socio-cultural aspects) in achieving the climate change and nature restoration targets for the agriculture and land use sectors across the length and breadth of Scotland. Steven sits on our Academic Advisory Panel that supports the Agricultural Reform Implementation Oversight Board and previously provided academic support for Brian Pack’s Doing Better Initiative to Reduce Red Tape for Farmers and Rural Land Managers, and was a member of the independent Farming for 1.5 Degrees inquiry panel, the Hill, Upland and Crofting Group and the Suckler Beef Climate Group Programme Board. He maintains close links to the industry through stakeholder and industry engagement, support of Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service particularly through his SEFARI Gateway knowledge broker role.