Jake Molloy worked offshore in the oil and gas sector for 17-years before being elected as the General Secretary of the independent oil workers union OILC in 1997. After merging with RMT in 2008 he became the RMT Regional Organiser with responsibility for all offshore energy activity which included engaging and organising workers across the offshore energy sectors of maritime, oil and gas, and renewables. He stood down from his Regional Organiser post in May 2023 but remains an active member of the RMT Offshore Energy Branch. Jake has participated in a number of industry forums including Oil Spill Prevention Recovery Advisory Group (OSPRAG) dealing with the impact of the Deepwater Horizon environmental disaster, the Helicopter Safety Steering Group (HSSG) looking at helicopter safety in the sector after a number of fatal accidents, the Step Change Leadership Group which engages workers in offshore health, safety and environmental matters, and more recently the Scottish Government (SG) Energy Jobs Task Force, the SG Strategic Leadership Group and the UK Government North Sea Transition group.